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“What’s the Best Toothpaste for Me?”


Whether it’s one that fights sensitivity or one that whitens while it works to fight cavities, different toothpastes are appropriate for different people. But with so many options to choose from, how do you know which is right for your specific needs? The team at my dental office in Buckhead can help.

Is it Approved by the ADA?

Toothpastes make a lot of claims — to whiten brighter and faster, to ease sensitivity, to protect teeth better — but no matter the claim, if it doesn’t have the seal of approval by the American Dental Association (ADA), it may not work as advertised. Those toothpastes that earn the seal have been tested and their claims were supported as valid.

Looking to Whiten?

Everybody wants a bright, white smile. But daily habits, food, and drinks can all take a toll on teeth, causing them to become discolored. There are a variety of whitening toothpastes available that can remove stains and brighten a grin. Make sure you use one that has a mild abrasive that contains magnesium carbonate or calcium carbonate. If the toothpaste isn’t giving you the level of white you’re looking for, consider a professional whitening or veneers.

Want to Decrease Sensitivity?

Having sensitive teeth isn’t any fun and can be quite painful.  A toothpaste designed to desensitize may help ease discomfort. Look for a toothpaste that contains a desensitizer such as strontium chloride or potassium nitrate.

Need to Fight Off Tartar?

Tartar is tough, hardened material that sticks to teeth. We mean really sticks to teeth. In fact, the only way to remove it is by a dentist or hygienist. So while you can’t do much to get rid of tartar once it’s there besides keep your regular dental appointments, you can work to prevent it. A toothpaste that contains zinc citrate or pyrophosphates can keep plaque from hardening into tartar.

No matter what your specific dental needs may be, your dentist in Buckhead can help you find the toothpaste that’s best for you and your smile. Make sure you use that toothpaste to brush your teeth every day, twice a day to fight off decay that could lead to the need for a root canal, filling, crown, or sometimes, even an extraction.

If you’d like help figuring out which toothpaste is most appropriate for you, or it’s time for your next dental cleaning and exam, call my Buckhead dental office to schedule an appointment today.

Accepting patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.

Filed under: General Dentistry

Come On Man, Visit Your Buckhead Dentist!


When we say “man,” we really do mean men. Guys. Dudes. Call them whatever you’d like, truth is, this blog is for them. We’re not trying to single out the male population, but statistically they’re less likely to regularly visit the dentist. At my dental office in Buckhead, we weren’t exactly sure why. Do they not see it as necessary? Is a fear of dentistry more prevalent in men?  Well, we’ve done some digging, and we’ve got a few reasons as to why men avoid dental appointments.

Survey Says…

The Academy of General Dentistry surveyed several dentists to gather their thoughts on why men tend to avoid dental visits, and the results are interesting.

  • 45% believed men don’t see a need to visit the dentist
  • 30% said men are embarrassed or afraid
  • 18% said busy schedules limit their availability

Additionally, we found research that suggests men only see a dentist when there’s a problem, not for regular, preventive care (which may have actually prevented the problem in the first place). Also, pressure that society has put on men to always be tough may play a role in why some men avoid seeking medical advice, including dental care.

The Importance of Regular Dental Appointments

Whatever the reason may be that a man avoids the dentist, it’s crucial for him to know that yes, regular dental appointments are incredibly important. Appointments at least every six months can not only keep your mouth healthy, but your body healthy too. Many oral health problems affect whole-body health, which makes early diagnosis and treatment necessary. Maintaining regular visits with your Buckhead dentist can:

  • Catch cavities when a filling is still an option, before the need for a root canal arises
  • Diagnose and begin treatment on gum disease before it contributes to heart disease
  • Identify oral cancer before it spreads to lips, cheeks, throat, and tongue

Regular visits aren’t just used for preventive reasons. If you’re unhappy with the way your smile looks, or are embarrassed by your teeth, we can help with that too. Cosmetic dentistry like bonding, whitening, and veneers can brighten the appearance of your teeth. Restorative dentistry like dental implants, dentures, and bridges can bring life back to your smile. Whatever your smile goals may be, we can help you get there.

If you’re a guy, or if you know one, who has been avoiding the dentist for awhile, call my Buckhead dental office to schedule an appointment today. No matter how long it’s been since your last visit to the dentist, we’ll be sure to work with you to keep you comfortable and get you and your smile back to health in no time.

Accepting patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.

Filed under: General Dentistry

Can The Way You Stand Affect Your Oral Health?


Have you ever had your grandmother tell you to “put your shoulders back, stand up straight, don’t slouch?” Well, at my dental office in Buckhead, we think you should listen grandma’s advice not only for your posture’s sake, but also for your oral and overall health.

Posture & Overall Health

Every part of the body is linked to another. So when one gets thrown out of its ideal position, the rest follow. For example, many of us sit or stand with our heads too far forward, throwing off the symmetry of the rest of the body, including the jaw, neck, and shoulders. This causes strain on muscles and forces the shoulders forward and the jaw backward. When this happens, the bite falls out of its ideal, comfortable positioning and result in several issues like TMJ disorder, broken or worn down teeth, and even migraines.

How to Know if Your Posture is Affecting Your Oral Health

Listen to your body. If you’re in pain, something isn’t right. If you start to have changes in muscle fatigue or soreness, there may be a problem. If you notice any of the signs below, it’s time to call your Buckhead dentist.

  • Jaw or neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Unexplained worn teeth

Take the Test

If you aren’t sure how your posture is, take one of these easy tests to find out.

The Mirror Test – Use a full-length mirror to check out your own posture. Start facing the mirror and look for the following:

  • Level shoulder height
  • Even hips
  • Front-facing kneecaps
  • Parallel ankles

If you’re seeing all of those qualities, your posture is spot on.

The Wall Test – Stand with your back towards a wall and place your head against it. Move your heels about six inches apart and place your buttocks on the wall. Use your hand to check the distance between the wall and your neck, and the wall and your lower back. If the gap is about an inch or two, you’ve been listening to grandma and standing up straight.

If you think you may be suffering from a bad bite, whether caused by your posture or not, schedule an appointment at my Buckhead dental office. We’ll check it out and find the best solution to get you comfortable again.

Welcoming patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.

Filed under: General Dentistry

Are Smiles Hereditary?


We’ve all heard the phrase, “He has his father’s smile!” And while that may be true when it comes to appearance, can it also mean children and parents can share the same likelihood for dental problems? At my Buckhead dental office, we’d like to give you a little insight as to what oral health complications can be transferred through genes and which are more likely caused by behaviors.


There’s absolutely a link between our DNA and some dental concerns including:

  • Overcrowded or crooked teeth. Teeth that are too close together or crooked makes it difficult to brush properly and remove all debris from between teeth. If a parent has either, it can be passed to a child.
  • Oral cancer. If your family has a genetic mutation or oncogenes, which is a type of gene that can take healthy cells and turn them into cancerous cells, you may be at increased risk.
  • Size and shape of the mouth. The way someone’s jaw is structured could have an effect on the way teeth line up when clenched together. If misaligned, TMJ pain can occur.

Since genetics can play a large role in these oral health issues, it’s important to know your family medical history. If your family has an increased chance of any of the above, we encourage you to share that information with your Buckhead dentist.


But not all oral health problems can be blamed on genetics. Overall dental health isn’t really something that’s directly passed from parent to child through DNA, but more so through behavior. More common concerns like gum disease and cavities are likely the result of an ineffective oral hygiene routine that may or may not have been adapted from a parent. If proper dental care isn’t started early and enforced, it’s more likely for a child to grow up and have larger amounts of decay. Make sure to get yourself, and your child, healthy by brushing for at least two minutes twice a day, and flossing at least once a day. It’s also crucial to maintain regular checkups and professional cleanings at least every six months.

What Else Can You Do?

If you’re unhappy with what nature gave you, there are ways to change your smile. Cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile from one you tend to hide, to one you’re proud to show off.

Think cosmetic dentistry may be right for you? Or perhaps it’s been awhile since you’ve had a dental cleaning? We’re here to help. Give my dental office in Buckhead a call to schedule an appointment today!

Welcoming patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.

Filed under: General Dentistry

Advantages of Tooth-Colored or “White” Fillings


If you’re like the majority of Americans, chances are you’ve needed to have a cavity filled at least once in your life, and that’s ok. There are several options for filling a cavity, and they’re all successful at helping to keep your teeth healthy. But while all types of fillings are super strong and can withstand a lot, unfortunately, they don’t last forever. At my dental office in Buckhead, we know the anticipated lifespan of a filling depends on what it’s made out of, so let’s look at the most popular filling available, the tooth-colored filling.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Fillings designed to match the color of your natural teeth are appropriately known as tooth-colored fillings or composite fillings. On average, a composite filling can stay durable for anywhere between 7 to 10 years —sometimes less, sometimes more — depending on your oral hygiene habits. While these restorations typically don’t last as long as silver fillings, there are quite a few benefits behind this better-camouflaged option including no silvery smile, more of your healthy tooth can be saved during treatment, and enhanced strength since the material chemically bonds to the tooth surface. As with anything, there are a few negatives to consider.


  • Composite fillings may cost a bit more than silver fillings
  • The appointment may make take a few minutes longer
  • Composite fillings are technique sensitive and cannot be completed in areas where it would be impossible to keep a dry field free from saliva

If you’re in need of a dentist, or believe you may have a cavity, give my Buckhead dental office a call. We’ll be happy to perform an in-depth exam and diagnose exactly what’s going on in your mouth, if anything. And if we find a cavity, we’ll discuss which filling is most appropriate for you. Schedule your appointment today!

Serving patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.

The Best and Worst Easter Candy for Your Smile

Easter Candy

Grocery aisles are stocked full of marshmallow-shaped chicks, pastel-colored creamy eggs, and oh-so-good chocolate bunnies. Another Easter season is here, which means another holiday that’s typically flooded with candy. At my dental office in Buckhead, we want to talk about the best, and the worst, candy for your pearly whites.

The Best

We know dentists are usually candy scrooges, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still love to satisfy our sweet tooth just like you. We just try to limit the candy that’s not so good for teeth and focus more on the ones that aren’t so bad including:

  • Hollow Dark Chocolate
  • Sugar-Free Candy
  • Candy Bars with Nuts

The Worst

The worst candies for smiles all have similar qualities. They’re loaded with sugar, they prolong the amount of time teeth are exposed to sugar, and they can cause enamel erosion or other dental damage. Try your best to avoid these treats, or enjoy in moderation:

  • Sour Candy
  • Sticky Sweets
  • Hard Candy

Limit Damage

We know it’s unrealistic to ask you to never eat any of the candy in “The Worst” category. And that’s ok. If you do indulge a bit, follow these tips to limit damage:

  • Wash it down with water. Sipping water while eating sugary foods helps neutralize acid produced by bacteria that feed on the sweet stuff. Swishing with water afterwards knocks loose any particles stuck in grooves and crevices.
  • Don’t munch on them all day. This limits the amount of time your teeth are exposed to sugar. The less time sugar spends in your mouth, the less chance for decay and cavities.
  • Don’t brush. Well, not right away. Wait at least a half hour to an hour after eating sweets to give the acid a chance to neutralize. Brushing right away can actually cause more damage.

Another way you can keep your pearly whites healthy and cavity free is to maintain regular appointments with your Buckhead dentist.  If you do have any damage, regular visits help catch it early and make it easier to treat.

Schedule an appointment at my Buckhead dental office today!

Accepting patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.

Filed under: General Dentistry

4 Ways to Boost Your Kissability


Did you know that 32 percent of Americans cite bad breath as the least attractive trait of their co-workers? If people don’t like it in co-workers, they certainly won’t like it in their date! True fact: No one really wants to kiss an unhealthy mouth.

That’s why I’m bringing you four of the most effective ways to freshen your breath, brighten your smile, and make yourself so much more kissable than ever before.

  • Keep up with your oral hygiene routine.

That means no skipping, even if you do feel too tired to floss. You see, when plaque builds up, it can lead to periodontal disease, an infection in your gums. This infection stinks! In fact, periodontal disease is the second most common source of halitosis. The odor is so distinctive, that many dentists can diagnose gum disease from the smell alone! Odor causing bacteria build up under your gum line, coat your tongue, and increase the volatile sulfur compounds that make bad breath worse. So want to have a fresh mouth? Get to cleaning! And don’t forget to brush or scrape your tongue.

  • Have a professional cleaning.

See above! A professional cleaning at least twice a year at my Buckhead dental office is even more effective than home hygiene at getting rid of buildup that causes bad breath.

  • Watch what you eat.

We’re pretty sure everyone knows to avoid garlic and onions before a big date, but did you know that milk, meat, orange juice, and coffee have also been known as causes for bad breath? Don’t worry though. Just brush and floss after meals, and your breath will clean right up.

  • Drink more water.

Water not only rinses away food particles and bacteria, but drinking a sufficient amount of water (6 to 8 eight ounce glasses every day) also keeps you hydrated and prevents dry mouth. That’s important because dry mouth is one of the leading causes of breath issues. If you have an ongoing issue with dry mouth, talk to your Buckhead dentist about a saliva substitute to protect your teeth and sweeten your breath.

If you have a big date coming up, please don’t be afraid to call my dental office in Buckhead. We can help get your breath fresh and your teeth clean and bright.

Accepting new patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.  

Smiles and Success: The Correlation Between Your Grin and Your Job


We’d all like to believe we were hired for our brains, our passion for the job, and because we were the best fit all around. Unfortunately, that’s not always true. Everyone at my dental office in Buckhead wants you to know that, while it may sound incredibly superficial, the way you look can affect your ability to get a job or advance your career.

What’s in a Smile?

According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), nearly 75% of all Americans believe an unattractive smile can negatively affect professional advancement. That makes your grin quite a powerful tool. A smile can say, or at least allude to, a lot about who you are. What’s your’s saying about you?

Your Smile vs. Your Clothes

The main thing that can make a difference in a job interview or business interaction is, in fact, your smile. It’s unfortunate, but it’s also true. The research doesn’t lie. Around 75% of Americans are more likely to trust those with attractive smiles than those who wear fancy clothes or drive expensive cars. And when you’re talking about landing a job or new business, you need to convince the people you’re dealing with that you’re trustworthy. Is your smile saying that?

You Can Fix It

If your smile is lying about you and your ability to be an awesome employee, it’s time to consider fixing it. With the advancements in dental technology, there are plenty of treatments available, and there’s one just for you. Some of those options include:

  • Tooth whitening to take away any stains or discoloration. Just remember to talk to your dentist in Buckhead first.
  • Veneers to cover imperfections quickly and easily, giving you a natural look and a beautiful, white smile.
  • Implants to replace a missing tooth or even several missing teeth. Not only do these restorations replace the tooth itself, they also replace the root. This makes implants a strong, permanent tooth replacement solution.
  • Tooth-colored fillings. Metal amalgam fillings are becoming obsolete and are rarely used anymore. But if you have some old restorations, you may notice a darkened appearance that tends to go along with metal fillings. Consider replacing these with white, tooth-colored ones to brighten your look.  

If it’s time to explore getting the smile that tells the truth about you, give my Buckhead dental office a call. We’ll conduct an initial exam, get to know you as a person, and discuss what you’d like your smile to look like. We will then work together to determine the best treatment for you and be with you every step of the way. Don’t keep your smile, or your career, waiting. Call us today!

Accepting patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.

Filed under: General Dentistry

Top 5 Resolutions for a Healthy Smile

healthy smile

New Year’s resolutions are made each and every time the ball drops in Times Square and we all sing Auld Lang Syne. Resolutions give us hope for a better, more successful, healthier year. But unfortunately nearly half of all resolutions fail within six months. At my dental office in Buckhead, we want to challenge our patients to make resolutions towards a healthier smile and keep them all year long.  

  • Drink more water. Your body and your mouth both need water to function properly, yet many people don’t drink enough. Slug eight, 8-ounces glasses of some H₂0 every day to keep your body in tip-top shape and your mouth moist and capable of ridding away bacteria.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking or use of smokeless tobacco is a serious addiction that often takes several attempts at kicking. We think you can do it, both for your overall health, and your smile. Tobacco use increases the chance for oral cancer, gum disease, and yellow teeth. Quitting may be difficult, but we promise it’s worth it.
  • Eat fruits and veggies. Eating a well-balanced diet packed with crisp fruits and crunchy veggies can do wonders for your overall health and your teeth. These foods are loaded with super nutrients that fight off bacteria and inflammation to help keep gums healthy.
  • Get that smile makeover you’ve always wanted. If your teeth are maybe just a bit too dark, your smile a smidge crooked, or you’re missing some teeth, you owe it to yourself to resolve to get the smile of your dreams. There are many cosmetic dentistry options available to fix any concern from whitening to veneers, dental implants to full-mouth makeovers. Bonus: Oftentimes cosmetic dentistry doesn’t just make you feel better about your grin, it has a host of health benefits, too.
  • Visit your dentist in BuckheadWe don’t recommend visits every six month just because we like you (which we promise we do!), but because they are necessary for keeping your smile healthy. At each visit we’ll check for issues and if we find any, we’ll work with you to discuss the best treatment. Many dental problems are fixed successfully if they’re caught early, so don’t put off your dental visits.

If you’re ready to make 2016 the year when you get the healthiest, brightest smile of your dreams, give my Buckhead dental office a call today. We’ll talk about your smile goals and decide on the best plan for you.

Accepting patients from Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs.

Put Your Dental Health on Your Resolution List


Have you started thinking about your New Year’s resolutions yet? I know I have. As hard as they are to make and stick to, it is a tradition that I think helps us look toward the new year as an opportunity for change and improvement. That’s why I often encourage my patients to make their smiles part of their New Year’s resolutions. Here’s how:

Four Tips to Get Your Smile Healthy and Keep it That Way

  • Keep up on your dental visits. Not only do cleanings keep your teeth and gums feeling good, it gives my Buckhead dental team more chances to keep an eye on your oral health and stop problems before they get serious. That saves both your teeth and your wallet.
  • Get serious about your oral hygiene routine. Your smile doesn’t only allow you to talk and chew. We sometimes forget that it is directly connected to the rest of your body. That means that your mouth is an easy way for bacteria to get into your bloodstream. In fact, if you have gum disease, your risk for everything from heart attacks and cancers to low birth weight babies and tooth loss goes through the roof.
  • Don’t just eat for your body, eat for your smile! You know that sugary foods or refined carbs can be bad for your overall health. They can also be bad for your smile. Acidic drinks like sodas and sports drinks can too. Try eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking green tea and coconut water, and eating foods high in  calcium and phosphorus to protect tooth enamel and even help remineralize them.
  • Feel self conscious about your smile? Do something about it this year! The truth is, even elective procedures like whitening or veneers can have health benefits. Feeling confident helps you move through the world with more power – and that can make you smile more, release more endorphins, and even stick to your New Year’s resolutions more effectively!  

Why not schedule a checkup with my Buckhead dental office today? We’ll look at what is going on in your mouth and we can discuss your needs. Then all you have to do is sit down and plan how to keep the rest of your resolutions! I’d love to help my Buckhead, Atlanta, and Sandy Springs neighbors feel better about themselves in 2016!

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