Sleep Apnea Treatment
Get Back to Sleep
And Back to Health
If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you know it’s more than your sleep that is affected by your snoring. You know it can affect your health.
While you sleep, your throat relaxes. This relaxation allows the tongue and soft palate to collapse and block your airway. Eventually, your airflow stops. When your oxygen level drops, your brain moves out of deep sleep and signals you to wake up. The airway contracts, opens and the obstruction in your throat clears. Airflow starts again, usually with a loud gasp. You fall back into a deep sleep and the process starts all over again.
It’s the combination of low oxygen levels and interrupted sleep that is the major contributor to most of the problems associated with sleep apnea. Not only can those problems mean daytime sleepiness, they can also include:
- Heart problems (heart attack, congestive heart failure, hypertension)
- Strokes
- A higher incidence of work related and driving related accidents
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Fibromyalgia
- Generalized inflammation
- Teeth Grinding
Still think it’s only snoring? The fact is, if left untreated sleep apnea can shorten the average life span by 10 years.

Comfortable, Effective Treatment
Many people who suffer from sleep apnea will be told to wear a CPAP (continuing positive airway pressure) machine. The problem is, the CPAP, which is essentially a cumbersome oxygen mask, is uncomfortable. Most people don’t use it.
To help those with sleep apnea get a good, comfortable, night’s sleep, we recommend a snore appliance.
A snore appliance will be designed for your individual needs. Professionally fitted just for you, it prevents the tongue, soft palate and the jaw from blocking your airway while you sleep, reducing snoring and any dangerous affects of sleep apnea.