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Day White Tooth Whitening in Dunwoody

Your teeth are an important part of your overall health as well as being the most noticeable part of your smile. And your smile is usually the first thing people notice. Naturally you want a smile that’s white, attractive, and natural-looking.

Smile whitening treatments are the #1 service requested of dentists, and Americans spend more than $1 billion a year on over-the-counter tooth bleaching products.  Most store shelf tooth whiteners are safe, but some of them are acidic, and this can wear away your tooth enamel if you bleach too often. A study in the Journal of the American Dental Association found that half of the people who have whitening treatments experience some sensitivity afterwards, or pain. The chance of pain increases if you overdo whitening “touch-ups.”

The American Dental Association recommends that patients interested in tooth whitening start with a dental exam and consult with their dentist about the best methods for whitening their teeth. It’s the best way to achieve a beautiful white smile without damaging your teeth.

Dr. Todd Davis offers patients the Day White take-home whitening system for fast results. Day White involves using a bleaching gel on your teeth for 30 to 90 minutes a day. The difference is noticeable from the first application.

If your teeth are badly stained or damaged, Dr. Davis may suggest a more permanent solution, such as dental bonding or porcelain veneers. He will work with you to determine what shade of white is the best complement to your features, ensuring that your smile is transformed and enhanced naturally, and not so white that it appears “fake” and detracts from your appearance.

Call our Buckhead dental office at 404.255.7500, or request an appointment on our website to discuss your new, beautiful smile!

Filed under: General Dentistry

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